Cyber Threat Defence Center

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Cybersecurity Information Sharing Platform

Sharing our expertise and knowledge acquired through the cybersecurity projects


PE Static Feature Extractor Toolkit


PE File Format

PE Static Toolkit Portable Executable (PE) Analysing Toolkit

ELF Static Feature Extractor Toolkit

ELF Static Toolkit Executable and Linkable Format (ELF) Analysing Toolkit

ELF File Format

PCAP Feature Extractor Toolkit

PCAP Toolkit Packet Capture Format (PCAP) Analysing Toolkit

PCAP File Format

NetFlow Feature Extractor Toolkit

NetFlow Toolkit Network Flow Format (NetFlow) Analysing Toolkit

NetFlow File Format

Docker Toolkit

Docker is a set of platform as a service (PaaS) products that use OS-level virtualization to deliver software in packages called containers.

Docker Architecture

This project provides scripts and Dockerfiles for efficient containerization.

About Me:

My research focuses on malware detection through the application of reverse engineering techniques across Windows, Linux, and Android platforms. My areas of interest include:

I leverage artificial intelligence to advance cybersecurity solutions.